To create is to stim. Adam reclaims the movements that neurotypicality has framed as maladaptive and that are targeted for remediation (and eradication). The autistic body is often forced to stay still, despite Adam’s prolific work on movement as necessity: “thinking is a feeling through a body that is always moving.” Movement s/paces the environment; the environment is the ecology of people, places, things, ideas. Adam’s “stimventions” rethink the body and its moves as creative. These are the excess that neurotypicality erases in its quest to make sense of autism, to explain its moves to meaning. Adam doesn’t write about his movements as representative, as cause and effect. His writings on movement - tic and tap, tic and stick (see his poetry, coming soon) - never close down one singular meaning for the stim. Rather, the stim’s movement has multiple effects. The stim belongs to the multiple, where one meaning never lands for long.

Water is awesome cascade of my thoughts like a smooth game of forging feeling. Water lands my thoughts of moving when I can’t move (Adam).